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PRESS RELEASE: Houston Men Homeless For 20+ Years Finally Find Homes at Temenos Place


Contact: Kelly King

Phone: 281.682.9503 | 281.241.9503



10 A.M. CST, May 5, 2014



Bread of Life, Inc. & Temenos Place celebrate recent success stories in their fight to end chronic homelessness in Houston

Houston, TX—Bread of Life, Inc. and Temenos CDC are celebrating the recent eradication of homelessness for two Bread of Life, Inc. clients who have been successfully placed in safe and comfortable homes after over twenty years of homeless survival in the streets of Houston. Mr. Joseph “Joe” Guillory and Mr. Lee Edwards, both elderly men who were considered chronically homeless, have received a series of Bread of Life services and have now transitioned to secure living at the Knowles-Temenos Place Apartments through Temenos CDC housing.

“I’ve known both Joe and Lee for over 20 years as homeless friends,” says Temenos CDC co-founder Rudy Rasmus. “The other day Joe said to me, ‘Rudy, I’m starting to feel like a human (since moving into Temenos)’. We built Temenos so that people will feel like humans everyday.”

Temenos CDC CEO for Campus Non-Profits Dana Hogan is also pleased with these recent placements at Knowles-Temenos Place. “I was so very proud of Joseph Guillory and Lee Edwards when they decided to ‘get off the streets’ and move into the Knowles-Temenos Place Apartments. Since I arrived on campus in August 2009, I have had conversation after conversation with both gentlemen, always offering the opportunity to move-in immediately…it was a very exciting day when both of them finally said ‘I’m ready. I am tired of being out here.’…I am very thankful that we are able to provide them with a stable living environment in an effort to extend their lives.”

Mr. Guillory and Mr. Edwards will both continue to receive and employ services offered by Bread of Life, Inc. and Temenos CDC, such as aggressive case management, counseling, and job training. As part of Houston Mayor Annise Parker’s initiative and continuing effort to end chronic homelessness, Bread of Life, Inc. and Temenos CDC persist in making successful homeless-to-housed transitions for the displaced.

For media inquiries about these recent success stories, Bread of Life, Inc. and Temenos CDC and interview opportunities, please contact Kelly King at 281.682.9503. For general information about Bread of Life, Inc. visit and Temenos CDC visit .

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